We acknowledge USGS, NASA, NOAA, INPRES, The University of UTAH, ETHZ, EMSC, RESIF, KNMI, GEOFON, Earthquakes Canada (Natural Resources Canada), Résif-Epos, Geoscience Australia, AusPass, Australian Space Weather Forecasting Centre, Space Weather Prediction Center (NOAA), Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO - NASA Mission), SpaceWeatherLive.com, Solar and Heliospheric Observatory - Project by ESA and NASA (SOHO), KAGSR, Meteorological Service of New Zealand (MetService), the New Zealand GeoNet programme and its sponsors EQC, GNS Science, LINZ, NEMA, MBIE and Seatemperature.net for providing data/images used on this website.
full credit to Raúl Witthüser for help with php & java scripts